The purpose of this project is to teach Vulnerable groups about their basic legal rights. These rights include the right to work, to an adequate standard of living, to participate in cultural and political life, to education and freedom of religion.
The Legal aid clinics coach and empower local community and vulnerable groups with the necessary knowledge of legal and court procedures to enable them to represent their cases in Court.
The volunteer work at this project involves legal counseling and reconciliation sessions on legal issues like labor law, employment, matrimony, land, contract, children’s rights, tort, probate, etc.
Volunteer placement and field research opportunities are not restricted to people who have legal academic background and human rights experience – though most of the interns, assistants, and students have completed law studies. The project also provides psychosocial support to widows, vulnerable children, orphans and their foster parents. You will work in the following fields of expertise
Key programmers including paralegals, Village Legal Workers and Human Rights Monitors at the grassroots Volunteer will deal with implementation of projects which advocates for Domestication and Implementation of rights of vulnerable groups in Tanzania. (The Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women, 2003), Gender and children advocacy and advisory services to the government, civil societies and the general public and HIV victim’s awareness rights and duties through outreach community visiting
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